You performed a search for:

  • Site name: Hanover - 425 10th St
  • Organization: Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services
There are 7 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, Concurrent Disorders

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, Concurrent DisordersHanover Provides community support to adults who have co-occurring diagnoses of serious mental illness (schizophrenia or other psychotic disorder, bipolar disorder, or major depression with psychotic features ...

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, Mental Health & Addictions Court Support

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, Mental Health & Addictions Court SupportHanover Provides guidance and support to individuals living with mental health and/or addiction who are navigating the criminal justice system.

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, Mental Health Counselling

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, Mental Health CounsellingHanover Provides brief individual and group counselling to individuals who are living with mental health issues or situational crises. Therapeutic models utilized might include Dialectical Behaviour Therapy ( ...

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, Mobile Mental Health and Addiction Response Team

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, Mobile Mental Health and Addiction Response TeamHanover Provides mobile crisis support throughout Grey and Bruce counties. The team responds to calls from first responders (Police, EMS or Emergency Rooms) and provides on-site crisis intervention and assess ...

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, My Dad's Group

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, My Dad's GroupHanover A weekly positive parenting program for men with kids in their lives. Over the 10-13 sessions, the group explores the importance of Dads, the ages and stages of childhood development, co-parenting, em ...

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, Partner Assault Response

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, Partner Assault ResponseHanover 12 week group education and counselling program on intimate partner violence and non-abusive ways of resolving conflict. Survivors/partners of the offender provided with support including safety plan ...

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, Pregnancy and/or Parenting

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, Pregnancy and/or ParentingHanover Supports women and men who are pregnant and/or parenting children ages six and under, who are impacted by their own or someone else's substance use. Pregnant and/or Parenting services are based in Owe ...