You performed a search for:

  • Site name: Midland - Bayshore Dr
  • Organization: Centre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre
There are 12 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Office Phone TTY Phone Crisis Phone Website Hours

Map RecordCentre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Midland - Bayshore Dr

Map RecordCentre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Midland - Bayshore DrMidland 705-527-4154, Reception Mon 8:30 am-12 noon, 1 pm-4 pm * Tue-Thu 8:30 am-12 noon, 1 pm-7:30 pm * Fri 8:30 am-12 noon, 1 pm-4 pm

Map RecordCentre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Midland - Bayshore Dr, Change the pain with Dance Thearpy

Map RecordCentre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Midland - Bayshore Dr, Change the pain with Dance ThearpyMidland 705-527-4154 Program on hold

Map RecordCentre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Midland - Bayshore Dr, Drum Circle

Map RecordCentre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Midland - Bayshore Dr, Drum CircleMidland 705-527-4154 ; 1-855-527-4154, Toll Free Program: Mon 6-8 pm (note cancelled if public transit has been cancelled)

Map RecordCentre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Midland - Bayshore Dr, Kin-Nod-Mo-Win Diabetes Program

Map RecordCentre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Midland - Bayshore Dr, Kin-Nod-Mo-Win Diabetes ProgramMidland 705-527-4154 ; 1-855-527-4154, Toll Free Call for information

Map RecordCentre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Midland - Bayshore Dr, Living a Healthy Life with a Chronic Condition

Map RecordCentre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Midland - Bayshore Dr, Living a Healthy Life with a Chronic ConditionMidland 705-527-4154 ; 1-855-527-4154, Toll Free Program Runs periodically. Check website for dates and times.

Map RecordCentre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Midland - Bayshore Dr, Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Pain

Map RecordCentre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Midland - Bayshore Dr, Living a Healthy Life with Chronic PainMidland 705-527-4154 ; 1-855-527-4154, Toll Free Wed, February 3, 2021 at 1:30 pm - 4 pm for 6 sessions

Map RecordCentre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Midland - Bayshore Dr, Living with Osteoporosis

Map RecordCentre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Midland - Bayshore Dr, Living with OsteoporosisMidland 705-527-4154 ; 1-855-527-4154, Toll Free Check website for dates and times.

Map RecordCentre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Midland - Bayshore Dr, Mama Tribe

Map RecordCentre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Midland - Bayshore Dr, Mama TribeMidland 705-527-4154 ; 1-855-527-4154, Toll Free Tue 1 pm-3 pm, in-person and virtually

Map RecordCentre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Midland - Bayshore Dr, Nordic Pole Walking Group

Map RecordCentre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Midland - Bayshore Dr, Nordic Pole Walking GroupMidland 705-527-4154 ; 1-855-527-4154, Toll Free Pole Walking occurs every Wed from 11 am-12 noon.
Program runs Apr-Oct. It's simply a drop-in, no registration required.

Map RecordCentre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Midland - Bayshore Dr, Quit Cafe - Nicotine Replacement Program

Map RecordCentre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Midland - Bayshore Dr, Quit Cafe - Nicotine Replacement ProgramMidland 705-527-4154 ; 705-527-2870, Clinic Thu 10 am-11:30 am in-person

Map RecordCentre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Midland - Bayshore Dr, Traditional Healing

Map RecordCentre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Midland - Bayshore Dr, Traditional HealingMidland 705-527-4154 ; 1-855-527-4154, Toll Free Check website for dates and times.

Map RecordCentre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Parkinson's Dance Group, Midland - Bayshore Dr

Map RecordCentre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Parkinson's Dance Group, Midland - Bayshore DrMidland 705-527-4154 ; 1-855-527-4154, Toll Free Office : Mon, Thu, Fri 8:30 am-4 pm * Tue 1 pm-7:30 * Wed 8:30-7:30 * closed daily from 12 noon-1 pm 
Program : Mondays from 1-2pm. 
Dates: * Important: This group will break for the months of July and August and start back up the second week of September.