You performed a search for:

  • Site name: United Way of Bruce Grey
  • Organization: United Way of Bruce Grey
There are 4 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
Organization / Program Name(s) Description (Brief) Areas Served

United Way of Bruce Grey, Backpack Program

United Way of Bruce Grey, Backpack Program Provides school supplies to school-age children who live at or below the poverty line. Supports families who cannot afford new school supplies. 2024 Program Jun 24, 2024 to 8:30 am, Aug 19 2024, indi ... Bruce County ; Grey County

United Way of Bruce Grey, Financial Literacy

United Way of Bruce Grey, Financial Literacy Free financial literacy program offers assistance with: * budgeting * issues related to credit and other consumer debts * limited credit counselling * does not provide bankruptcy counselling One-on-o ... Bruce County ; Grey County

United Way of Bruce Grey

United Way of Bruce Grey The United Way of Bruce Grey is now open to in-person meetings, but strongly urges people to reach out by email or phone with in-person service available by appointment. Raises and allocates funds an ... Bruce County ; Grey County

United Way of Bruce Grey, Utility Assistance Program

United Way of Bruce Grey, Utility Assistance Program The United Way of Bruce Grey is open to in-person meetings, but strongly urges people to reach out by email or phone with in-person service available by appointment. Mask wearing is mandatory for any ... Bruce County ; Grey County