Directory of Community Programs and Services in Barrie Ontario

You performed a search for: Organization / Program Name(s): Barrie. Municipal Office

There are 19 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Office Phone Description (Brief)

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 155 Dunlop St W, Fire and Emergency Service Department

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 155 Dunlop St W, Fire and Emergency Service DepartmentBarrie 705-728-3199 Main Fire Station (Station 1) is located at 155 Dunlop St W * call office number for information on fire prevention, public education, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, legalizing basement a ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 165 Ferndale Dr N, Greenhouse

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 165 Ferndale Dr N, GreenhouseBarrie 705-739-4220 Ext 4826 City Greenhouse * responsible for providing plant material for the city's floral displays * will answer gardening questions from the public via phone * Note, a new greenhouse is being built as part o ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 20 Royal Parkside Dr, Water Operations Branch

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 20 Royal Parkside Dr, Water Operations BranchBarrie 705-792-7920; 705-739-4220 ext 4805 The Water Operations Branch's primary objective is the production and delivery of potable water from two sources: * A deep groundwater aquifer accessed through twelve (12) active groundwater wells, a ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 24 Maple Ave, Bus Terminal

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 24 Maple Ave, Bus TerminalBarrie 705-726-4242, Service Barrie Barrie Bus Terminal is owned and maintained by the City of Barrie and operated by The City of Barrie Transit & Parking Strategy Department * offers tickets, passes and information for Barrie Transit ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 272 Ferndale Dr N, Landfill

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 272 Ferndale Dr N, LandfillBarrie 705-739-4219, Barrie Environmental Centre Landfill site includes: * Waste & Recycling Depot - located at the top of the hill, past the scalehouse, open Tue-Sat 8:30 am-3:30 pm * Household Hazardous Waste Facility - located at the top of the h ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 272 Ferndale Dr N, Waste Disposal Services

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 272 Ferndale Dr N, Waste Disposal ServicesBarrie 705-739-4219, Environmental Operations Curbside Collection * Garbage * Barrie households serviced under the City of Barrie municipal curbside collection program receive 2 bags or 2 cans garbage pickup every other week * See Garbage Collec ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 45 Cedar Pointe Dr, Enforcement Services

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 45 Cedar Pointe Dr, Enforcement ServicesBarrie 705-739-4241 Provides information on municipal by-law enforcement including by-laws related to business licences, animal control, lottery licences (includes licences for Break-Open, raffles and bingo), parking ti ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 45 Cedar Pointe Dr, Pet Registration (Dogs & Cats)

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 45 Cedar Pointe Dr, Pet Registration (Dogs & Cats)Barrie 705-739-4241 Pet Registrations are LIFETIME records, once initial registration is done, you are not required to renew registration * Dog and cat registrations are issued in accordance with City of Barrie By-law 20 ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 70 Collier St - 2nd Floor, Mayor's Office

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 70 Collier St - 2nd Floor, Mayor's OfficeBarrie 705-792-7900 Mayor's Office - the current Mayor of Barrie is Alex Nuttall * student Mayor program runs September to June, in which representatives from two schools take part for each three week term - contact your ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 70 Collier St, Barrie Transit

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 70 Collier St, Barrie TransitBarrie 705-726-4242, Barrie Transit & Specialized Transit Information & Inquiries, call Service Barrie City Transit Service * Children 12 and under can ride Barrie Transit for free, and Older Adults 65+ can ride free on Tuesdays and Thursdays * Licence 2 Ride pass is offered to youth aged 12-16 and pr ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 70 Collier St, City Councillors

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 70 Collier St, City CouncillorsBarrie   Council is the policy-forming and decision-making body of the City of Barrie * comprised of the mayor and 10 Councillors (representing 10 wards) who are each elected for a four-year term * for a list ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 70 Collier St, Household Water/Wastewater Assistance Program

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 70 Collier St, Household Water/Wastewater Assistance ProgramBarrie 705-726-4242, Service Barrie Provides financial assistance to low-income households in Barrie, to help offset water/wastewater bill costs * Successful applicants will be credited a portion of their water/wastewater bill back to t ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 70 Collier St, Municipal Office

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 70 Collier St, Municipal OfficeBarrie 705-726-4242, Service Barrie Chief Administrative Office for City of Barrie includes Human Resources, Internal Audit and Legal Services * 2018 population is listed as 148,136 persons * City of Barrie is geographically part of Si ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 70 Collier St, Service Barrie

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 70 Collier St, Service BarrieBarrie 705-726-4242, Service Barrie Customer Service Contact Centre providing the public with a central place to obtain information or direction for City related concerns Contact Service Barrie to: * pay - taxes, water bills (click her ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 70 Collier St, Specialized Transit

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Barrie - 70 Collier St, Specialized TransitBarrie 705-792-5033, press 1, Booking Line and Information; Self Serve Line: 705-737-6949 (Use once registered to confirm bookings and make cancellations) Specialized Transit is a door to door shared public transportation service intended for persons unable to use Barrie Transit's conventional fixed route system due to a disability. * available on an u ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Finance Department

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Finance DepartmentBarrie 705-726-4242 Provides information, reports, analysis and guidance to City Council, the Public and City Departments regarding financial operations of the City * prepares, issues and collects property tax bills for ... [More]

Barrie. Municipal Office, Winter Road and Sidewalk Maintenance

 Barrie. Municipal Office, Winter Road and Sidewalk MaintenanceBarrie 705-726-4242 Responsible for snow removal from roads and sidewalks * combination of City-owned trucks and contracted units plow, sand and salt roads and sidewalks with consideration to safety, environmental and b ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Marriage Ceremonies at Barrie City Hall

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, Marriage Ceremonies at Barrie City HallBarrie City Hall Rental: 705-719-5970 (Corporate Facilities Department); Marriage Licence Applications: 705-726-4242 City Hall Rotunda may be booked for weddings on Saturday afternoons from 2 pm-5 pm, for 60 minute time periods * the ceremony can be performed by the marriage officiant of your choice * search for a ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, No physical address, Rest Stations for Extreme Weather Relief

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, No physical address, Rest Stations for Extreme Weather ReliefBarrie 705-726-4242, Service Barrie When Environment Canada issues an extreme heat or cold alert, rest areas are available to residents for relief from extreme weather conditions. These can include public buildings such as libraries or ... [More]

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this directory is accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive. However, Information Barrie cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.