You performed a search for: Committee/Group Name: Bruce Grey Poverty Task Force

There are 7 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Committee/Group Name Description (Service) Areas Served

Map RecordBruce Grey Poverty Task Force

Map RecordBruce Grey Poverty Task Force COVID-19 Response 
The Bruce Grey Poverty Task Force has a new Election Education Resource Page visit Poverty, Voting and Elections. 
Regular Service: 
Made up of over 52 organizations that meet on a monthly basis. Currently meets virtually. The Poverty Task Force facilitates community partnerships to advocate for poverty reduction and elimination. Made up of six Action Groups focused on Housing, Income and Employment Security, Food Security, Health Equity, Bridges (Out of Poverty) and Transportation. All meetings are open to organizations and the public. 
Community Voices is an advisory/action group of the Poverty Task Force made up of people with lived experience/grounded expertise. This is a closed membership group.  
The Housing Community of Practice focuses on front-line immediate needs and meets weekly. The Housing Action Group focuses on collaborative projects such as RentSafe Owen Sound Collaboration, Home Takeover Project and the Homelessness Enumeration. 
The Food Security Action Group meets bi-weekly with community food organizations focused on emergency response and advocacy.  
The Income and Employment Security Action Group meets monthly with organizations focused on reducing precarious work, living wage and basic income advocacy, and support to free income tax clinics to increase income to low income households.  
The Health Equity Action Group meets monthly focuses on health equity tools and training for health sector in Grey Bruce.
Bruce County ; Grey County

Bruce Grey Poverty Task Force, Bridges Action Group

 Bruce Grey Poverty Task Force, Bridges Action Group Open meetings of community agencies to build partnerships and create opportunities for people transitioning out of poverty Bruce County ; Grey County

Bruce Grey Poverty Task Force, Food Security

 Bruce Grey Poverty Task Force, Food Security Open meetings of community agencies to promote food security in Grey/Bruce Bruce County ; Grey County

Bruce Grey Poverty Task Force, Housing Sub Committee

 Bruce Grey Poverty Task Force, Housing Sub Committee Open meetings of community agencies for housing promotion activities Bruce County ; Grey County

Bruce Grey Poverty Task Force, Income Security

 Bruce Grey Poverty Task Force, Income Security Open meetings of community agencies to raise issues surrounding income security within Bruce/Grey Bruce County ; Grey County

Bruce Grey Poverty Task Force, Steering Committee

 Bruce Grey Poverty Task Force, Steering Committee Closed meetings of Steering Group members. Provides leadership and governance direction for the larger Bruce Grey Poverty Task Force and seven action groups Bruce County ; Grey County

Bruce Grey Poverty Task Force, Transportation

 Bruce Grey Poverty Task Force, Transportation Open meetings of community agencies. Raises issues surrounding transportation within Bruce/Grey Bruce County ; Grey County