You performed a search for:

  • Organization / Program Name(s): ReStore
  • Organization: Habitat for Humanity Grey Bruce
There are 3 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)

Map RecordHabitat for Humanity Grey Bruce, Hanover, ReStore

Map RecordHabitat for Humanity Grey Bruce, Hanover, ReStoreHanover Sells new and used building materials and indoor/outdoor furniture at reduced prices. Proceeds are used to build affordable housing in the Grey Bruce area.

Map RecordHabitat for Humanity Grey Bruce, Port Elgin, ReStore

Map RecordHabitat for Humanity Grey Bruce, Port Elgin, ReStoreSaugeen Shores Sells new and used building materials and indoor/outdoor furniture at reduced prices. Proceeds are used to build affordable housing in the Grey Bruce area.

Map RecordHabitat for Humanity Grey Bruce, ReStore, Owen Sound

Map RecordHabitat for Humanity Grey Bruce, ReStore, Owen SoundOwen Sound Sells new and used building materials and indoor/outdoor furniture at reduced prices. Proceeds are used to build affordable housing in the Grey Bruce area.