Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Dufferin County., Orangeville - Head Office, Municipal OfficeOrangeville Provides the following departments and government programs for the residents of Dufferin County: * Building Services * Children's Programs and Services * County Council * Emergency Preparedness * Empl ...
Dufferin, County of, Orangeville - Head Office, Emergency Management OfficeOrangeville Responsible for identifying risks to the community, creating and practicing plans to deal with risks and coordinating the response to major emergencies involving multiple agencies Provides information ...
Dufferin, County of, Orangeville - Head Office, Waste ServicesOrangeville Provides collection of recycling, organics, yard waste, garbage and bulky items at the curb. Provides special event drop-off for hazardous and electronic waste. Visit website for information about eac ...