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There are 24 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Office Phone Description (Brief)

Map RecordJampa Ling Kadampa Buddhist Centre, Barrie

Map RecordJampa Ling Kadampa Buddhist Centre, BarrieBarrie 289-556-6742 Classes offer Buddhist teachings and Buddhist meditation * each class includes guided meditation, practical instruction and discussion * Centre has a meditation room, a shared community space and a D ... [More]

Map RecordJapanese Sword Society of Canada

Map RecordJapanese Sword Society of CanadaBarrie No public telephone number Dedicated to the preservation and edification of Japanese art and artifacts of the Samurai period * teaches about the history and development, identification, authentication and appraisal of Japanese ... [More]

Jeff Long Counselling

 Jeff Long CounsellingBarrie 705-881-7888 In-person individual or couple counselling in Barrie, or virtual therapy across Ontario. Offers counselling for: * anxiety * depression * anger * relationship issues * self-esteem * LGBTQ issues * tr ... [More]

Map RecordJehovah's Witnesses. Barrie, Barrie - Ferris Lane, Ferris Lane Kingdom Hall Congregations

Map RecordJehovah's Witnesses. Barrie, Barrie - Ferris Lane, Ferris Lane Kingdom Hall CongregationsBarrie Ferris Lane Kingdom Hall 705-300-8090 Ferris Lane Kingdom Hall is home to two congregations (Bayview and Springwater) * congregational family meetings for congregations are held on Sundays * study groups and instructional meetings are he ... [More]

Map RecordJehovah's Witnesses. Barrie, Barrie - McKay Rd W, McKay Rd Kingdom Hall Congregations

Map RecordJehovah's Witnesses. Barrie, Barrie - McKay Rd W, McKay Rd Kingdom Hall CongregationsBarrie McKay Rd Kingdom Hall 705-300-8067; 705-999-1677 McKay Rd Kingdom Hall is home to two congregations (Mapleview, and Essa) * congregational family meetings are held on Sundays * study groups and instructional meetings are held at various times throu ... [More]

Map RecordJehovah's Witnesses. Barrie, Barrie - Sandringham Dr, Sandringham Dr Kingdom Hall Congregations

Map RecordJehovah's Witnesses. Barrie, Barrie - Sandringham Dr, Sandringham Dr Kingdom Hall CongregationsBarrie Sandringham Dr Kingdom Hall : 705-719-3428; Spanish Congregation: 647-294-2160 Sandringham Dr Kingdom Hall is home to three congregations: Southshore, Huronia, and Spanish Congregations * congregational family meetings are held on Sundays * mid-week meetings are held at various ... [More]

Map RecordJenkins (Dr Gwen) Clinical Psychologist

Map RecordJenkins (Dr Gwen) Clinical PsychologistBarrie 416-729-1024 Registered Clinical Psychologist assesses and diagnoses problems in thinking, feeling and behaviour * Helps people overcome or manage trauma-related disorders such as: * Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ... [More]

Map RecordJennifer Ashleigh Children's Charity

Map RecordJennifer Ashleigh Children's CharityUxbridge 905-852-1799 Financial support for families who have a child with a serious illness or permanent disability. Our programs are: * wellness - specific therapies, adaptive trikes, medication and medical supplies not ... [More]

Map RecordJeremy Viinalass Violin Studio

Map RecordJeremy Viinalass Violin StudioBarrie   Violin lessons * certified instructor in Suzuki Method * Jeremy Viinalass holds a Bachelor of Music and M.A degrees from University of Toronto * 'Keys and Strings' offers music for weddings and other ... [More]

Map RecordJohn Howard Society of Simcoe & Muskoka, Barrie - 78 Mulcaster, Community Service Order Program - Adult

Map RecordJohn Howard Society of Simcoe & Muskoka, Barrie - 78 Mulcaster, Community Service Order Program - AdultBarrie   For adults who have been court-ordered to complete community service hours as per their probation order * case manager assists in facilitating and overseeing the completion of community service hours ... [More]

Map RecordJohn Howard Society of Simcoe & Muskoka, Barrie - 78 Mulcaster, Digital Access to Justice Court Support Program

Map RecordJohn Howard Society of Simcoe & Muskoka, Barrie - 78 Mulcaster, Digital Access to Justice Court Support ProgramBarrie   Office will be open to support individuals with remote court appearances (by telephone and Zoom): * by providing access to Wi-Fi, tablets and telephones * Case Managers will also be available to supp ... [More]

Map RecordJohn Howard Society of Simcoe & Muskoka, Barrie - 78 Mulcaster, Finding Employment with a Criminal Record

Map RecordJohn Howard Society of Simcoe & Muskoka, Barrie - 78 Mulcaster, Finding Employment with a Criminal RecordBarrie 705-816-0265 Program assists adults who are having difficulty finding, obtaining and maintaining employment due to a criminal record. Provides individuals with the tools necessary to succeed in the workforce. * Pe ... [More]

Map RecordJohn Howard Society of Simcoe & Muskoka, Barrie - 78 Mulcaster

Map RecordJohn Howard Society of Simcoe & Muskoka, Barrie - 78 MulcasterBarrie 705-733-0683 Nonprofit social service agency with a mandate of Effective, Just and Humane Responses to Crime and Its Causes Services include: * Institutional Services * Community Service Order Program - Adult * C ... [More]

Map RecordJohn Howard Society of Simcoe & Muskoka, Barrie - 78 Mulcaster, Record Suspension Assistance

Map RecordJohn Howard Society of Simcoe & Muskoka, Barrie - 78 Mulcaster, Record Suspension AssistanceBarrie   Assistance with obtaining a criminal record suspensions, known as pardon

Map RecordJohn Howard Society of Simcoe & Muskoka, Community Reintegration Services, Barrie - 78 Mulcaster

Map RecordJohn Howard Society of Simcoe & Muskoka, Community Reintegration Services, Barrie - 78 MulcasterBarrie   Provides post-release services to individuals upon discharge from institutions and accelerates the reintegration of criminally involved persons into the community by providing programming aimed to lo ... [More]

Map RecordJohn Howard Society of Simcoe & Muskoka, Institutional Services, Barrie - 78 Mulcaster

Map RecordJohn Howard Society of Simcoe & Muskoka, Institutional Services, Barrie - 78 MulcasterBarrie   Provide incarcerated individuals with skills and knowledge so that they are able to successfully reintegrate into society post-release Assistance and programming focuses on multiple areas that have p ... [More]

Map RecordJohn Howard Society of Simcoe & Muskoka, Orillia - 17 Colborne St E, Community Service Order Program - Adult

Map RecordJohn Howard Society of Simcoe & Muskoka, Orillia - 17 Colborne St E, Community Service Order Program - AdultOrillia   For adults who have been court-ordered to complete community service hours as per their probation order * case manager assists in facilitating and overseeing the completion of community service hours ... [More]

Map RecordJohn Howard Society of Simcoe & Muskoka, Orillia - 17 Colborne St E

Map RecordJohn Howard Society of Simcoe & Muskoka, Orillia - 17 Colborne St EOrillia 705-733-0683 Nonprofit social service agency with a mandate of Effective, Just and Humane Responses to Crime and Its Causes Services include: * Institutional Services * Community Service Order Program - Adult * C ... [More]

Map RecordJohn Howard Society of Simcoe & Muskoka, Orillia - 17 Colborne St E, Non-Residential Attendance Centre - North Simcoe

Map RecordJohn Howard Society of Simcoe & Muskoka, Orillia - 17 Colborne St E, Non-Residential Attendance Centre - North SimcoeOrillia   Provides community programming to youth (ages 12-17) to help them become accountable for their actions by addressing the risk factors that have led to their involvement in the justice system * provid ... [More]

Journey to Diversity Workplaces, Barrie - Mailing Address

 Journey to Diversity Workplaces, Barrie - Mailing AddressBarrie 705-481-1674 Project developed to create a workplace where diversity is championed and ethical, moral, and legal differences are respected * member of Volunteer Canada, Charity Village, and a partner with Get Inv ... [More]

Map RecordJoybells Handbell Choir, No Physical Address

Map RecordJoybells Handbell Choir, No Physical AddressBarrie   Musical group that rings brass hand bells, may be booked for community events, etc

Map RecordJuhan Puhm Music

Map RecordJuhan Puhm MusicBarrie   Music instruction * wide and comprehensive range of music instruction from absolute beginners to advanced studies for all ages * Guitar - classical, popular, folk, electric, rock, lead, jazz, bass et ... [More]

Map RecordJunior Achievement of Central Ontario

Map RecordJunior Achievement of Central OntarioToronto 416-360-5252 Interactive programs encourage students to stay in school and to develop entrepreneurial, leadership and life skills, such as financial literacy and work readiness; volunteer opportunities

Map RecordJustice for Children and Youth

Map RecordJustice for Children and YouthToronto 416-920-1633 Community legal clinic * legal representation in many areas of law including education, criminal matters, child welfare, human rights, financial assistance or support and leaving home * legal informat ... [More]

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this directory is accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive. However, Information Barrie cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.