Contact Information

Addresses and Location

Located In Community Owen Sound
Address Owen Sound Courthouse; 611 9th Ave E
Owen Sound, ON
Canada N4K 6Z4
View Google Map
Intersection 6th St E and 9th Ave E
Mailing Address Owen Sound Courthouse; 611 9th Ave E 
Owen Sound, ON 
Canada N4K 6Z4
Physical Access Fully Accessible


Description (Service) Provides a convenient way to settle disputes over goods and services with a limited cost. Collect outstanding debts or the recovery of possession of personal property for amounts up to $35,000.

Claims that can be filed in Small Claims Court include:
  • Claims for money owed under an agreement, such as:
    • unpaid accounts for goods or services sold and delivered
    • unpaid loans
    • unpaid rent
    • NSF cheques

  • Claims for damages, such as:
    • property damage
    • clothes damaged by a dry cleaner
    • personal injuries
    • breach of contract

Service Details

Hours Mon-Fri 8:30 am-5 pm
Areas Served Bruce County ; Grey County
Eligibility No restrictions. For under 18 years old, the minor must be defended by a litigation guardian (usually a parent or guardian).
  • Call or visit website for information
  • Plaintiffs claim form available online or at any Court office
  • For minors, litigation guardian must complete a Consent to Act as Litigation Guardian (Form 4A)
Languages English
Fees Set fees, forms and self-help packages available free at location or on website.


Alternate Name Justice of the Peace