You performed a search for:

  • Organization: Barrie Native Friendship Centre
  • Agency-Site-Service: Service
There are 5 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)

Map RecordBarrie Native Friendship Centre, Barrie - 175 Bayfield St, Aboriginal Family Support Program

Map RecordBarrie Native Friendship Centre, Barrie - 175 Bayfield St, Aboriginal Family Support ProgramBarrie Meets the needs of families in the community through culturally based programs designed to bring parents and their children together * develops and enhances healthy social skills, motor skills and cog ...

Map RecordBarrie Native Friendship Centre, Barrie - 175 Bayfield St, Aboriginal Healthy Babies / Healthy Children Program

Map RecordBarrie Native Friendship Centre, Barrie - 175 Bayfield St, Aboriginal Healthy Babies / Healthy Children ProgramBarrie Assists Aboriginal families to provide the best opportunities for healthy development for children 0 - 6 years of age through education, family home visiting, service coordination and referrals

Map RecordBarrie Native Friendship Centre, Barrie - 175 Bayfield St, Akwe:go Program

Map RecordBarrie Native Friendship Centre, Barrie - 175 Bayfield St, Akwe:go ProgramBarrie Akwe:go (Mohawk meaning All of Us) Program is designed to provide comprehensive services to urban Aboriginal at-risk children between the ages of 7 - 12 with the support, tools and healthy activities ...

Map RecordBarrie Native Friendship Centre, Barrie - 175 Bayfield St

Map RecordBarrie Native Friendship Centre, Barrie - 175 Bayfield StBarrie Works to improve the lives of urban-Indigenous individuals and families through a variety of culturally relevant programs and services * Programs span all stages of the life cycle and operate in a pe ...

Map RecordBarrie Native Friendship Centre, Barrie - 175 Bayfield St, Wasa-Nabin Program

Map RecordBarrie Native Friendship Centre, Barrie - 175 Bayfield St, Wasa-Nabin ProgramBarrie Wasa-Nabin (Ojibway meaning 'To Look Ahead') Program is designed to provide comprehensive services to urban Aboriginal at-risk youth between the ages of 13-18 with the support, tools and healthy activ ...