Organization / Program Name(s) Located In
Refugees and Newcomers, Simcoe County, Local Groups and Committees (Donations & Volunteers)Simcoe County
97.7 Max FM, South Georgian Bay, School Supplies Donation ProgramCollingwood
Alliston Food Bank, AllistonNew Tecumseth
Alliston Lions Club, Loan CupboardNew Tecumseth
Alliston's Attic Thrift Store, Alliston - 39 Victoria St WNew Tecumseth
Barrie Families Unite, Community Essential Needs Fulfilment ProgramBarrie
Barrie Food BankBarrie
Barrie Food Bank, Burton Avenue United Church, Barrie's Little Food PantriesBarrie
Barrie Food Bank, Collier St United Church, Barrie's Little Food PantriesBarrie
Barrie Food Bank, Grace United Church, Barrie's Little Food PantriesBarrie
Barrie Food Bank, Northwest Barrie United Church, Barrie's Little Food PantriesBarrie
Barrie Food Bank, St. Margaret's of Scotland Anglican Church, Barrie's Little Food PantriesBarrie
Barrie Food Bank, Trinity Anglican Church, Barrie's Little Food PantriesBarrie
Barrie Food Bank, Westside Evangelical Lutheran Church, Barrie's Little Food PantriesBarrie
Beaver Valley Outreach, Treasure Shop, Thornbury - King StBlue Mountains
Beyond the Blue Box, Covert St Donation CentreCobourg
Blessings Community Store, Food BankBluewater
Bruce Botanical Food GardensHuron-Kinloss
Busby Centre, Barrie - 88 Mulcaster St, Drop In ServicesBarrie
Busby Centre, South Georgian Bay, Emergency Respite ShelterCollingwood
Canadian Alopecia Areata FoundationKing Township
Charmed AgainWasaga Beach
Chesley Baptist ChurchArran-Elderslie
Chesley Community ChurchArran-Elderslie
Chippewas of Rama First Nation - Wewana Minoodoodawin Health and Social Services, Rama - 5901 Rama Rd, Rama Food Distribution ProgramChippewas of Rama First Nation
Christian Automotive Repair Service, WinghamNorth Huron
Church of the Evangelists (Anglican), TottenhamNew Tecumseth
Clearview Community Church, Wasaga Beach, Clothing Depot, TheWasaga Beach
Clearview Stayner Food Bank, StaynerClearview (Simcoe County)
Clothes Hamper Foundation (The)Kincardine
CNIB Foundation [Central East], Barrie, Nanji Family Foundation Smartlife Centre and Community HubBarrie
Coats for Kids, Hanover, Coats for Kids - HanoverHanover
Coldwater Food BankSevern
Collingwood Public Library, Community Food PantryCollingwood
Comfort StitchersBarrie
Community Care Peterborough, Apsley OfficeApsley
Community Care Peterborough, Buckhorn OfficeNorth Kawartha
Community Care Peterborough, Chemung OfficeSelwyn Township
Community Care Peterborough, Peterborough OfficePeterborough
Community Care Peterborough, Havelock OfficeHavelock-Belmont-Methuen
Community Care Peterborough, Lakefield OfficeSelwyn Township
Community Care Peterborough, Millbrook OfficeCavan Monaghan
Community Care Peterborough, Norwood OfficeHavelock-Belmont-Methuen
CONTACT Community Services, Alliston - 55 Victoria St W, Coats 4 KidsNew Tecumseth
CONTACT Community Services, Bradford - 95 Holland St W, Unit 2, Coats 4 KidsBradford West Gwillimbury
Cornerstone to Recovery, Women's Residential Addictions FacilityBarrie
Dress for Success, BarrieBarrie
Dundalk Wesleyan ChurchSouthgate
Durham and District Food BankWest Grey
E3 Community Services, Collingwood - Balsam St, ReUse CentreCollingwood
Envisage Pregnancy Services, BarrieBarrie
Envisage Pregnancy Services, South Georgian BayCollingwood
Faith Lutheran Church Port Elgin - ELCICSaugeen Shores
Firebird Community CycleBarrie
First Baptist Church, ThornburyBlue Mountains
Flesherton and Community Food BankFlesherton
Free Stuff 4 Daily NeedsGravenhurst
General Topics and Information - Central East, Huron County, Backpacks for Kids Program, Huron CountyGoderich
Georgian Triangle Humane Society, Collingwood - Hurontario St, Treasure TailsCollingwood
Glowing Hearts Charity, Backpacks for Youth, No Physical AddressBarrie
Glowing Hearts Charity, No Physical AddressBarrie
Goodwill Retail Store, StratfordStratford
Gravenhurst Against Poverty, Gravenhurst, G.A.P. GardensGravenhurst
Habitat for Humanity, Orillia, ReStoreOrillia
Habitat for Humanity Grey Bruce, Hanover, ReStoreHanover
Habitat for Humanity Grey Bruce, Owen Sound, ReStoreOwen Sound
Habitat for Humanity Grey Bruce, Port Elgin, ReStoreSaugeen Shores
Habitat for Humanity Heartland Ontario Stratford ReStore, ReStoreStratford
Habitat for Humanity Huron County, ReStore, Goderich, GoderichGoderich
Habitat for Humanity Huron County, Wingham, Restore, WinghamNorth Huron
Habitat for Humanity Huronia, Alliston, ReStore, AllistonNew Tecumseth
Habitat for Humanity Huronia, Barrie, ReStore, BarrieBarrie
Habitat for Humanity Huronia, Collingwood, ReStore, CollingwoodCollingwood
Habitat for Humanity Ontario Gateway North, Midland ReStore, Simcoe NorthMidland
Habitat for Humanity Ontario Gateway North, ReStore, BracebridgeBracebridge
Harvest Share, Parry Sound - James Street, Food BankParry Sound
Helping Hand Food BankBradford West Gwillimbury
Helping Hands for the HomelessBarrie
Independent Living Services Simcoe County, BarrieBarrie
Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekah's, Cobourg Memorial TempleCobourg
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Campbellford Lodge 248Trent Hills
It Takes a VillageNorth Perth
Kawartha Food SharePeterborough
Kidney Foundation of Canada, Barrie, Kidney Clothes ProgramBarrie
Kidney Foundation of Canada, Kidney Car ProgramOttawa
Kincardine Food BankKincardine
Kincardine's Winter Coat DriveKincardine
Lenscrafters, Barrie, One Sight ProgramBarrie
Lion's Head and District Food BankNorthern Bruce Peninsula
Listowel Pentecostal ChurchNorth Perth
Loch Lomond Rebekah Lodge 248 CampbellfordTrent Hills
Midland Public Library, Food PantryMidland
Minden Community Food CentreMinden Hills
Mission Thrift Store - BarrieBarrie
Mission Thrift Store (The)Owen Sound
Mobile Soup KitchenCollingwood
Northumberland Fare Share Food Banks, Cobourg, Northumberland Fare Share Food Bank, CobourgCobourg
Northumberland Fare Share Food Banks, Port Hope, Northumberland Fare Share Food Banks, Port HopePort Hope (Municipality of)
Northumberland United Way, Backpacks for KidsCobourg
Ontario Federation for Cerebral PalsyEtobicoke North
Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, OrilliaOrillia
Orangeville Food BankOrangeville
OSHaREOwen Sound
Period Promise NorthumberlandCobourg
Peterborough GleansPeterborough
Port Elgin United Church, Coat DriveSaugeen Shores
Powassan and District Food BankPowassan
Precious Paws RescueOro-Medonte
Prom Glitz, BarrieBarrie
Quota International of BarrieBarrie
Redwood Park Communities, Barrie, Furniture BankBarrie
Rotary Club of StratfordStratford
Royal Canadian Legion, Flesherton, Flesherton Markdale Branch 333Flesherton
Royal Canadian Legion, Hanover, Hanover Branch 130Hanover
Royal Canadian Legion, Kincardine, MacDonald Branch 183 KincardineKincardine
Royal Canadian Legion, Lucknow, Branch 309Huron-Kinloss
Royal Canadian Legion, Paisley, Paisley Branch 295Arran-Elderslie
Rural Response for Healthy Children, Christmas Bureau Clinton, Huron Christmas BureausClinton
Rural Response for Healthy Children, Christmas Bureau Exeter, Huron Christmas BureausExeter
Rural Response for Healthy Children, Christmas Bureau Goderich, Huron Christmas BureausGoderich
Rural Response for Healthy Children, Christmas Bureau Seaforth, Huron Christmas BureausSeaforth
Rural Response for Healthy Children, Christmas Bureau Wingham, Huron Christmas BureausWingham
Ryan's Hope, Mailing AddressBarrie
S.H.I.F.T, Daytime Drop-In Centre ProgramNew Tecumseth
Salvation Army, Back to School Assistance, Orangeville - Riddell RdOrangeville
Salvation Army, Midland - Balm Beach Rd, Thrift StoreMidland
Salvation Army, Orangeville - Riddell Rd, Community and Family ServicesOrangeville
Salvation Army (The), Hanover - 12th St, Community and Family ServicesHanover
Salvation Army Barrie, Barrie - Bayfield St, Community and Family ServicesBarrie
Salvation Army Barrie, Barrie - Essa Rd, Thrift StoreBarrie
Salvation Army Orillia Citadel (The), Orillia - Wyandotte St, Thrift StoreOrillia
Samaritan HouseBarrie
Second Hand Rose ShopBrockton
Simcoe County District School Board, Orillia Learning Centre Campus, Winter Coat DriveOrillia
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Peterborough - Hunter St E, Vinnie's Feel Good ShoppingPeterborough
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Peterborough - Murray St, Food PantryPeterborough
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul - Guardian Angels Conference, Orillia, Vinnies Children's ClothingOrillia
Society of St Vincent de Paul, Lindsay, St. Mary's ConferenceKawartha Lakes
Society of St Vincent de Paul, Victoria Harbour, St. Mary's ConferenceTay
South East Grey Community Health Centre, MarkdaleGrey Highlands
South East Grey Community Health Centre, Skate Exchange Program, MarkdaleGrey Highlands
St John's Presbyterian Church, BradfordBradford West Gwillimbury
St Luke's Anglican Church, PeterboroughPeterborough
St. Marys Lions ClubSt Marys
Street Cats RescueBarrie
Sundridge Food BankSundridge
Tara Area Food BankArran-Elderslie
The Lighthouse, Orillia, Community Services 
The Salvation Army, Goderich/Clinton, Coats For Community, Mailing Address Only 
Thornton Community Food BankEssa
Tobermory Food BankTobermory
Tobermory United Church, Settlement Church, The Thrift ShopNorthern Bruce Peninsula
Town of Innisfil, Innisfil ideaLAB & Library - Cookstown Branch, Troy Scott Community FridgeInnisfil
Town of Innisfil, Innisfil ideaLAB & Library - Lakeshore Branch, Troy Scott Community FridgeInnisfil
Town of Innisfil, Innisfil Recreational Complex, Troy Scott Community FridgeInnisfil
United Way of Bruce Grey, Backpack Program - 211 I&R Procedures and InformationOwen Sound
United Way of Bruce Grey, Backpack ProgramOwen Sound
United Way Peterborough & District, Backpacks for SuccessPeterborough
United Way Peterborough & District, Coats for CommunityPeterborough
United Way Simcoe Muskoka, Eat Well to Excel - North Simcoe & South SimcoeMidland
United Way Simcoe Muskoka, Muskoka District, Urgent Needs Fund - Muskoka DistrictBracebridge
Value Village, OrilliaOrillia
Volunteer Stitchers of BarrieBarrie
Walkerton and District Food BankWalkerton
Wasaga Beach Ministerial Food Bank, Food BankWasaga Beach
Westminster United Church, Clothing DepotOrangeville
Westminster United Church, Food CupboardOrangeville
Wiarton Salvation Army (The), Wiarton - Edward St, Coats For CommunitySouth Bruce Peninsula
Women and Children's Shelter of Barrie, UnpublishedBarrie
Youth Haven, Barrie, Youth Haven Emergency ShelterBarrie