Directory of Community Programs and Services in Barrie Ontario

You performed a search for: Human Trafficking Shelters

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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

There are 2 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Office Phone Description (Brief)

Map RecordImani's Place Foundation

Map RecordImani's Place FoundationNew Tecumseth 705-250-3187 Offers transitional housing for women who are homeless due to domestic violence, human trafficking or other forms of abuse/violence against women. Iman's Place centers on the experiences of Black Wom ... [More]

Map RecordWomen and Children's Shelter of Barrie, Unpublished

Map RecordWomen and Children's Shelter of Barrie, UnpublishedBarrie 705-728-6300 Emergency residence with 27 beds for women and their children who are experiencing abuse in their significant relationships, residential services include: * Safe, temporary accommodation * Crisis tel ... [More]

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this directory is accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive. However, Information Barrie cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.