You performed a search for: Family Violence Prevention

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There are 3 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
Organization / Program Name(s) Description (Brief) Areas Served

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario Registered Charitable, Non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about the abuse and neglect of older adults, under the Ontario Strategy to Combat Elder Abuse Seniors Safety Line - Free c ... Ontario

Fem'aide : Francophone helpline for women affected by violence

Fem'aide : Francophone helpline for women affected by violence Francophone helpline for women * crisis intervention * support and referral to community agencies * confidential calls Ontario

General Topics and Information - Central East, Various Locations, Instructions for I&R (Provincial)- Home Takeover

General Topics and Information - Central East, Various Locations, Instructions for I&R (Provincial)- Home Takeover What is a Home Takeover A home takeover is a situation where vulnerable tenants are forced to accommodate unwanted guests in their homes. During home takeovers, vulnerable tenants [may initially] all ... Bruce County ; Grey County