Directory of Community Programs and Services in Barrie Ontario

You performed a search for: Business Assistance Services

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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

There are 12 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Office Phone Description (Brief)

Map RecordBarrie. Economic and Creative Development, Barrie - 24 Maple Ave, Small Business Centre of Barrie, Simcoe County and Orillia

Map RecordBarrie. Economic and Creative Development, Barrie - 24 Maple Ave, Small Business Centre of Barrie, Simcoe County and OrilliaBarrie 705-720-2445 Encourages and supports entrepreneurship in the City of Barrie, the City of Orillia, and all of Simcoe County by being a one-stop source for all small business needs.Provides entrepreneurs of all sta ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie. Economic and Creative Development, Barrie - 70 Collier St, Invest Barrie

Map RecordBarrie. Economic and Creative Development, Barrie - 70 Collier St, Invest BarrieBarrie 705-728-9850 Provides support and services to businesses, entrepreneurs, and the arts and culture community. The aim is to make it easy for businesses of all sizes to connect to support; industry, cultural and com ... [More]

Map RecordBlacks For All Races, Barrie

Map RecordBlacks For All Races, BarrieBarrie 289-799-8313 Provides a forum for black people and people of colour to engage in meaningful discussions with all other races, share ideas, innovation and provide networking support within the community while empo ... [More]

Map RecordBusiness Development Bank of Canada, Barrie

Map RecordBusiness Development Bank of Canada, BarrieBarrie   Business development bank which helps Canadian businesses through financing, advisory services and capital, with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises. * support entrepreneurs in all industrie ... [More]

Map RecordGeorgian College, Barrie Campus - Bldg E - Suite E219, Henry Bernick Centre for Entrepreneurship

Map RecordGeorgian College, Barrie Campus - Bldg E - Suite E219, Henry Bernick Centre for EntrepreneurshipBarrie 705-722-5102 Mandate is to engage with and assist entrepreneurs to build and grow their businesses by providing training, connections, mentorship and support to get funding * provide feedback and business support ... [More]

Map RecordNorth Simcoe Community Futures Development Corporation

Map RecordNorth Simcoe Community Futures Development CorporationMidland 705-526-1371 Helps develop and diversify the local economy through: * business loans up to $250,000 * business information and planning services * business counseling and a variety of workshops * community based p ... [More]

Map RecordOntario. Ministry of Economic Development and Growth, Simcoe Muskoka Office

Map RecordOntario. Ministry of Economic Development and Growth, Simcoe Muskoka OfficeSpringwater 705-739-5860 Consultants work with manufacturers and exporters by: * assessing their current situation * supporting the development of future plans * providing options for achieving their goals * linking firms wit ... [More]

Ontario. Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development, Online/Web Serivce, Labour Market Information

 Ontario. Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development, Online/Web Serivce, Labour Market InformationOntario   Labour market information: * contains latest labour market statistics for Ontario, timely reports on trends and issues, labour market information for Ontario's regions and cities and links to popular ... [More]

Map RecordSandbox Centre, Barrie

Map RecordSandbox Centre, BarrieBarrie 705-503-6600 Business hub * a space for all businesses and people who want to start a business * connects people and their ideas to business resources * work with entrepreneurs and innovators at any stage of busi ... [More]

Map RecordService Canada, Barrie, Job Bank and Labour Market Information Program

Map RecordService Canada, Barrie, Job Bank and Labour Market Information ProgramBarrie   Government website with job postings of employment opportunities across Canada * also includes a variety of economic, labour market and demographic reports along with local labour market information ... [More]

Map RecordService Canada, Barrie, Service Canada Centre, Barrie

Map RecordService Canada, Barrie, Service Canada Centre, BarrieBarrie 1-800-622-6232 One-stop service delivery for wide range of federal programs and services including: * internet access available for information about and applying for government programs and benefits * assistance l ... [More]

Map RecordUPlift Black Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion, Barrie

Map RecordUPlift Black Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion, BarrieBarrie 705-230-6001 Black and 2SLGBTQI+ led not-for-profit Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion based in Simcoe County, Ontario * works with community partners to UPlift the wellbeing of Black, 2SLGBTI+ people locall ... [More]

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this directory is accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive. However, Information Barrie cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.