Directory of Community Programs and Services in Barrie Ontario

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There are 45 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Office Phone Description (Brief)

Map RecordArmy, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada, Barrie, Barrie Unit 365 - Ladies Auxiliary

Map RecordArmy, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada, Barrie, Barrie Unit 365 - Ladies AuxiliaryBarrie 705-728-6224 Veterans' organization that also supports the Parent unit.

Map RecordBarrie and District Ladies Slo Pitch

Map RecordBarrie and District Ladies Slo PitchBarrie No public telephone number Recreational/Competitive League, play Wed at MacMorrison Park in Barrie and at the Tree Nursery diamonds in Midhurst

Map RecordBarrie Women's Connection

Map RecordBarrie Women's ConnectionBarrie   An opportunity for women of all ages to connect with one another emotionally, physically, and spiritually while enjoying a speaker, a music feature and a presentation from a community business or orga ... [More]

Map RecordBusby Centre, Barrie - 88 Mulcaster St, Drop In Services

Map RecordBusby Centre, Barrie - 88 Mulcaster St, Drop In ServicesBarrie 705-739-6916 Staff available to assist with: * bag lunch or emergency grocery bag - provided between 12pm-1pm * Hot Meal at dinner time - Daily 5pm-6pm * Case Management Support * hygiene supplies and seasonal cl ... [More]

Map RecordBusby Centre, Barrie - 88 Mulcaster St, Emergency Respite Shelter

Map RecordBusby Centre, Barrie - 88 Mulcaster St, Emergency Respite ShelterBarrie 705-739-6916, Outreach Van: 705-790-5654 Emergency Shelter/Respite overnight shelter at 88 Mulcaster St * Emergency overnight shelter, respite beds are on a night-to-night basis, please be at the shelter by 7pm to try for a bed * this is a ... [More]

Map RecordBusiness and Professional Women (BPW) Barrie

Map RecordBusiness and Professional Women (BPW) BarrieBarrie No public telephone number A non-profit organization promoting the interests of working women in our community and around the world since 1946 * strive to develop the career potential of women through advocacy, education, coll ... [More]

Map RecordCFS Counselling + Wellbeing, Barrie - Anne St S, Ready2Talk Counselling Clinic

Map RecordCFS Counselling + Wellbeing, Barrie - Anne St S, Ready2Talk Counselling ClinicBarrie 705-726-2503 Professional counselling and psychotherapy services: * in-person and virtual counselling sessions for individuals, couples and families * free single-session counselling for people experiencing issue ... [More]

Map RecordCFS Counselling + Wellbeing, Midland Satellite Office, Ready2Talk Counselling Clinic

Map RecordCFS Counselling + Wellbeing, Midland Satellite Office, Ready2Talk Counselling ClinicMidland 705-726-2503 Professional counselling and psychotherapy services: * in-person and virtual counselling sessions for individuals, couples and families * free single-session counselling for people experiencing issue ... [More]

Map RecordCFS Counselling + Wellbeing, Online/Web Service, Ready2Talk Counselling Clinic

Map RecordCFS Counselling + Wellbeing, Online/Web Service, Ready2Talk Counselling ClinicBarrie 705-726-2503 Professional counselling and psychotherapy services: * virtual counselling sessions for individuals, couples and families * free single session counselling for people experiencing issues such as: fam ... [More]

Map RecordCFS Counselling + Wellbeing, Orillia Satellite Office, Ready2Talk Counselling Clinic

Map RecordCFS Counselling + Wellbeing, Orillia Satellite Office, Ready2Talk Counselling ClinicOrillia 705-726-2503 Professional counselling and psychotherapy services: * in-person and virtual counselling sessions for individuals, couples and families * free single-session counselling for people experiencing issue ... [More]

Map RecordCFUW Barrie and District, Barrie and District

Map RecordCFUW Barrie and District, Barrie and DistrictBarrie   Promotes fellowship among Club women with meetings and social activities * To advocate for the advancement of the status of women and girls and human rights * To promote co operation, networking, sup ... [More]

Map RecordColibri - Centre des femmes francophones du comté de Simcoe, Barrie

Map RecordColibri - Centre des femmes francophones du comté de Simcoe, BarrieBarrie 705-797-2060 Francophone prevention centre for violence against women and sexual assault * free and confidential services offered include counseling, transitional support, housing support, family court support, ad ... [More]

Map RecordCommunity Builders

Map RecordCommunity BuildersSpringwater 705-881-1076 Non-profit construction based social enterprise in Simcoe County and Greater Sudbury. Provide training, employment, and affordable housing to meet the growing needs of the most vulnerable and at risk ... [More]

Map RecordCornerstone to Recovery, Women's Residential Addictions Facility

Map RecordCornerstone to Recovery, Women's Residential Addictions FacilityBarrie Head Office: 905-762-1551 Offers a three month abstinence based residential program: * access to individual, group, and family counselling sessions * daily 12 step meetings and a sponsor to guide you through the steps * enhan ... [More]

Map RecordCouchiching Family Health Organization, Orillia - Memorial Ave, North Simcoe Muskoka Trans Health Services

Map RecordCouchiching Family Health Organization, Orillia - Memorial Ave, North Simcoe Muskoka Trans Health ServicesOrillia 705-329-3649 ext 207 Brings trans-focused health care to the North Simcoe Muskoka Area. Provides a trans-affirming, supportive approach for transgender people seeking health care in the region. Helps clients identify and ... [More]

Map RecordDress for Success, Barrie

Map RecordDress for Success, BarrieBarrie 705-252-9200 Program to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life, services include: ... [More]

Map RecordElizabeth Fry Society Simcoe Muskoka, Barrie - Maple Ave

Map RecordElizabeth Fry Society Simcoe Muskoka, Barrie - Maple AveBarrie 705-725-0613 To prevent and reduce homelessness, criminalization, marginalization, racialization, and poverty by addressing systemic causes through advocacy and services Elizabeth Fry Society Simcoe Muskoka envis ... [More]

Map RecordElizabeth Fry Society Simcoe Muskoka, Barrie - Maple Ave, Jail Visitation

Map RecordElizabeth Fry Society Simcoe Muskoka, Barrie - Maple Ave, Jail VisitationBarrie 705-725-0613, Mon-Sun 24 hours A trained facilitator visits Central North Correctional Centre on Wednesday and Thursday * to assist incarcerated women and gender diverse individuals with reintegration * to offer counselling * to p ... [More]

Map RecordElizabeth Fry Society Simcoe Muskoka, Barrie - Maple Ave, Joyce Kope House

Map RecordElizabeth Fry Society Simcoe Muskoka, Barrie - Maple Ave, Joyce Kope HouseBarrie 705-725-0613 An emergency shelter for women and gender diverse individuals experiencing homelessness and half-way house for women and gender diverse individuals under supervision of Ministry of the Solicitor Gene ... [More]

Map RecordFederated Women's Institutes of Ontario, Mailing Address, Simcoe South Kempenfeldt District

Map RecordFederated Women's Institutes of Ontario, Mailing Address, Simcoe South Kempenfeldt DistrictOntario   Non-partisan, non-sectarian and non-racial organization operating through a network of local branches * provides education, advocacy and support for women in rural and small town Ontario * advocates ... [More]

Map RecordFederated Women's Institutes of Ontario, Meeting Location, Simcoe Area

Map RecordFederated Women's Institutes of Ontario, Meeting Location, Simcoe AreaMinesing   Organization examines social issues affecting family and community and works toward personal growth of all women to promote safe, healthy families and communities * Simcoe Area is an umbrella organiza ... [More]

Map RecordHospital for Sick Children, Adolescent Medicine

Map RecordHospital for Sick Children, Adolescent MedicineToronto 416-813-7654 ext 205620 Eating Disorders Program * for children and youth 8-18 years * diagnosis and treatment * inpatient, day hospital and outpatient programs * family education Substance Abuse Day Treatment Program and O ... [More]

Map RecordHuronia Transition Homes, La Maison Rosewood Shelter

Map RecordHuronia Transition Homes, La Maison Rosewood ShelterMidland 705-526-3221, Admin, Choices for Children and La Maison Rosewood ; 1-800-987-0799, Toll Free - South Simcoe ; 705-737-2884, Barrie An emergency shelter providing residential and non-residential supports to women and their children fleeing violence and/or experiencing homelessness. The shelter provides services en francais to wome ... [More]

Map RecordKinsmen Club of Barrie, No Physical Address, K-40 Women

Map RecordKinsmen Club of Barrie, No Physical Address, K-40 WomenBarrie   Social club

Map RecordKinsmen Club of Barrie, K-40 Club

Map RecordKinsmen Club of Barrie, K-40 ClubBarrie   Social club, extension of Kinsmen Club, but NOT an active service club

Map RecordKnights of Columbus, Barrie, Barrie Council 1626

Map RecordKnights of Columbus, Barrie, Barrie Council 1626Barrie Hall 705-728-1641, option 2 Catholic fraternal and community organization * holds annual Blueberry Pancake Festival at Barrie Hill Farms

Map RecordLakeside Women's Clinic, Barrie

Map RecordLakeside Women's Clinic, BarrieBarrie 705-503-6700 Women's clinic providing medical terminations up to 10 weeks, IUD and Nexplanon services, PAP and STI testing, as well as birth control. Services provided in a confidential, supportive and judgement-f ... [More]

Map RecordMay Court Club of Barrie, Barrie

Map RecordMay Court Club of Barrie, BarrieBarrie 705-737-1322, May Court Shop Service club for women dedicated to active volunteerism in their community * Operates The May Court Shop (formerly Gingham Door) ladies consignment shop * Holds 'Homes For The Holidays' fundraising e ... [More]

Map RecordMurray's Windermere Gardens

Map RecordMurray's Windermere GardensBarrie 705-726-0312 Permanent and Reintegration Housing comprised of approximately 50 beds between the two programs: * Domiciliary Care Program -designed to provide vulnerable individuals with permanent housing * Communi ... [More]

Map RecordNational Council of Jewish Women of Canada - Simcoe County, Mailing Address

Map RecordNational Council of Jewish Women of Canada - Simcoe County, Mailing AddressInnisfil No public telephone number Volunteer organization * through service, education and social action works to ensure the rights of women, children, and families, the disabled and new Canadians are upheld * raises awareness of traff ... [More]

Map RecordNext Gen Men

Map RecordNext Gen MenSimcoe No public telephone number Focus is on building better men through youth and peer engagement, education, and empowerment. * Specialized programs for youth and school groups, as well as teachers, coaches and parents who are thei ... [More]

Map RecordNext Gen Men, NGM Boys+ Club

Map RecordNext Gen Men, NGM Boys+ ClubSimcoe   NGM Boys+ Club is a safe and positive community on Discord for boys and non-binary youth in Grades 7-9 to hang out, connect, get support and discuss important topics. What you should know: * Everyone ... [More]

Map RecordProm Glitz, Barrie

Map RecordProm Glitz, BarrieBarrie No public telephone number Organization makes attending Grade 12 Prom and Grade 8 Graduation affordable by providing donated gowns to students needing support * Prom Glitz is run by volunteers to assist students find their per ... [More]

Map RecordRenegade Derby Dames Roller Derby League, Alliston - No Physical Address

Map RecordRenegade Derby Dames Roller Derby League, Alliston - No Physical AddressAlliston   Full contact women's roller derby league with competitive A and B travel teams: the Striking Vikings and the Bombshell Battalion * * three month New Skater Training Program for all shapes, sizes, and ... [More]

Map RecordRoyal Canadian Legion, Barrie Branch 147, Royal Canadian Legion - Auxiliary

Map RecordRoyal Canadian Legion, Barrie Branch 147, Royal Canadian Legion - AuxiliaryBarrie 705-728-1412, Legion Ladies' Auxiliary contributes to the day-to-day life of Legion Branch, by providing financial and volunteer support to Legion programs * Involved in a variety of Legion functions and fundraising activ ... [More]

Map RecordSalvation Army (The), Hope Acres, Hope Acres Addiction Treatment Centre

Map RecordSalvation Army (The), Hope Acres, Hope Acres Addiction Treatment CentreAdjala-Tosorontio 705-466-3436 ext 221 A long-term residential rehabilitation treatment centre for men with a substance dependence and concurrent disorders. Programs for participants: * individual and group counseling * concurrent disorde ... [More]

Map RecordSalvation Army Barrie, Barrie - Bayfield St, Barrie Bayside Mission Centre - Men's Emergency Shelter

Map RecordSalvation Army Barrie, Barrie - Bayfield St, Barrie Bayside Mission Centre - Men's Emergency ShelterBarrie   Emergency overnight shelter for men * allows clients to settle with an address while job searching * three daily meals * weekly individual case management with case workers * System navigation and co ... [More]

Map RecordSeven South Street Treatment Centre

Map RecordSeven South Street Treatment CentreOrillia 705-325-3566 12-week abstinent based program for men using the principles of the 12-step program. Services provided: * Daily group therapy sessions in morning and afternoon * Clients are assigned an individual co ... [More]

Map RecordSharamazda Club

Map RecordSharamazda ClubBarrie Sheba Shrine Centre 705-726-5736 Social organization that raises money for the Shriner's Hospital for Children * holds an annual Valentine's Tea

Map RecordShoebox Project for Women (The), Mailing Address, Simcoe and Grey County Chapter

Map RecordShoebox Project for Women (The), Mailing Address, Simcoe and Grey County ChapterBarrie   Registered charity that collects and distributes gift-filled Shoeboxes to local women's shelters and community agencies serving women, girls and gender-diverse individuals impacted by homelessness * ... [More]

Map RecordSociety of Saint Vincent de Paul, VincenPaul Community Homes (VP Homes)

Map RecordSociety of Saint Vincent de Paul, VincenPaul Community Homes (VP Homes)Barrie 416-364-5577 ext. 225 A 6-bed post treatment transitional housing program for men who have completed a residential treatment program for substance abuse/addiction. * open to persons of all faiths and to those with no relig ... [More]

Map RecordSouth Simcoe Rebel Rollers Roller Derby League

Map RecordSouth Simcoe Rebel Rollers Roller Derby LeagueOrillia and area   All-female full-contact roller derby league * recreational and competitive * hold practices, meet and greet and training camp

Map RecordThe Lighthouse, Orillia, Emergency Shelter

Map RecordThe Lighthouse, Orillia, Emergency Shelter  705-329-2265 ext 1, Adult Shelter ; 705-329-2265 ext 2, Youth Shelter The Lighthouse operates an overnight, year-round Emergency Shelter Program serving 50 adults and 8 youth. Anyone seeking emergency shelter can drop in or call the intake line. If seeking Emergency Sh ... [More]

Map RecordWomen and Children's Shelter of Barrie, Outreach Services

Map RecordWomen and Children's Shelter of Barrie, Outreach ServicesBarrie 705-728-6300 Outreach office of the Women and Children's Shelter of Barrie offer: * Individual counselling * Legal advocacy, information and referrals * Family Court Support * Psycho-educational groups * Violence ... [More]

Map RecordYouth Haven, Barrie, Youth Haven Emergency Shelter

Map RecordYouth Haven, Barrie, Youth Haven Emergency ShelterBarrie 705-739-7616, - accept collect calls At this time, shelter is open for youth that are currently living there. Crisis care facility offering: * emergency care housing, food and clothing * 19 beds * support in life skills development (dre ... [More]

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this directory is accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive. However, Information Barrie cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.