You performed a search for: Organization: E3 Community Services
There are 4 record(s) that match your criteria.
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Assist parents, caregivers and children prenatal to age 6yrs through a variety of services. Encourage play and inquiry-based learning to promote child engagement and parent education.
Accept, sort, price donations of household items: furniture; books; artwork; dishes; jewellery and other unique items for resale. Create store displays and stock shelves. Assist customers as needed. Support staff with sales and checkout (may involve handling cash).
May involve working with other volunteers, some of whom are people supported by E3 (ie. adults living with intellectual/developmental disabilities).
Via Zoom, read with and to adults living with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities. Books are selected by the group and the meetings are facilitated by an E3 Direct Support Professional. Participate in social exchanges with book club members.
Must be patient and friendly, and enjoy reading.
Wednesday evenings from 6pm - 7:30pm
Share your love of reading and comfort with Zoom meetings, by facilitating a small online book club for people with development disabilities. This role promotes literacy, community interaction and building relationships.
As a Book Club Facilitator you will manage the weekly Zoom meetings (admitting members, sharing screens, assigning cohosts etc.) as well as assign Individual readers, plan sessions and read some of the chosen text to/with the group.
This group usually focusses on one book per season and works slowly through chapters, reading together and discussing.
This group meets virtually every Tuesday from 6-7 pm, therefore the Facilitator would need to commit about 1.5 hours each Tuesday and perhaps an additional 30 - 60 minutes weekly for planning.