You performed a search for: Organization: Georgian Bay Land Trust
There are 1 record(s) that match your criteria.
Click on the Position Title to view the full details of the record
Christian Island
Severn Township - Coldwater, Washago, Marchmount
Springwater Township inc. Elmvale, Midhurst, Hillsdale
Tay Township including Port McNicoll, Victoria Harbour, Waubaushene
Tiny Township inc. Perkinsfield, Lafontaine, Wyebridge, Wyevale, Waverly
Georgian Bay Land Trust
Various mainland and island properties around eastern Georgian Bay and the North Channel.
Visit one of the Georgian Bay Land Trust's protected properties at least once a year, upload a simple reporting form on the property's condition, and conduct any minor stewardship activities necessary (ex. picking up litter, greeting visitors).