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Bruce County Bruce County
Grey County Grey County
Muskoka District Muskoka District
Northumberland County Northumberland County
Parry Sound District Parry Sound District
Peterborough County Peterborough County
Simcoe County Simcoe County
South Georgian Bay South Georgian Bay
South Simcoe South Simcoe
Coldwater Museum
1474 Woodrow Road, Coldwater, Ontario L0K 1E0

The Coldwater museum is in need of people who enjoy history on a weekly/daily basis for the months of May to September.
As a Volunteer at the museum for our special events day we ask that you attend the museum the day before the event and the day of.  Example: the day before the event we need help setting up displays, tents, picnic areas. The day of the event we need volunteers to assist visitors with directions, asssit in event displays, and promoting the museum.