You performed a search for: Organization: Age-Friendly Orillia Advisory Committee

There are 1 record(s) that match your criteria.

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Alderville First Nation Alderville First Nation
Alnwick/Haldimand Alnwick/Haldimand
Brighton (Municipality of) Brighton (Municipality of)
Cobourg Cobourg
Cramahe Cramahe
Hamilton Township Hamilton Township
Port Hope (Municipality of) Port Hope (Municipality of)
Trent Hills Trent Hills
Age-Friendly Orillia Advisory Committee

This volunteer position is responsible for the development, writing and deployment of social media and web-site content.

  • Work with the executive team to write content for website and social media, print, and community engagement

  • Keep abreast of web-site trends and provide recommendations. 

  • Help write general communications, articles and media releases

  • Solicit content from community partners 

  • Liaise with web hosting company for revisions and updates to pages

  • Provide direction for website domain and maintenance

  • Act as Administrator for Age-Friendly Orillia website