You performed a search for: Communities: Peterborough (County of)

There are 21 record(s) that match your criteria.

Click on the Position Title to view the full details of the record


Bruce County Bruce County
Grey County Grey County
Muskoka District Muskoka District
Northumberland County Northumberland County
Parry Sound District Parry Sound District
Peterborough County Peterborough County
Simcoe County Simcoe County
South Georgian Bay South Georgian Bay
South Simcoe South Simcoe
The Dance Ability Movement
Orillia, ON

Assist on-site with dance recital, specifically with dancers (children and youth) with disabilities. Greeting dancers, assisting with engaging dancers in activities and games between performances, helping to line up dancers and/or stand in the wings. 

Telephone Support   Bruce County  Grey County  Muskoka District  Northumberland County  Parry Sound District  Peterborough County  Simcoe County 
Compass Community Services
Virtual - Based out of Guelph

This is a remote volunteer position supporting the Guelph-Wellington Community. All shifts and training are completed remotely, therefore, residence in Guelph-Wellington is not a requirement for this position.


  • Complete inbound and outbound calls with service users residing in the county
  • Complete safety/wellness checks, provide medication reminders, and engage in social conversations with vulnerable populations
  • Assist with crisis intervention, when presented
  • Utilize a strengths-based, solution-focused approach
  • Provide external resources and referrals to service users 
  • Complete case documentation of all interactions with service users
National Experience Participant   Bruce County  Grey County  Muskoka District  Northumberland County  Parry Sound District  Peterborough County  Simcoe County 
Katimavik's National Experience
Across Canada

Katimavik’s National Experience is an amazing opportunity for any Canadian citizens, permanent residents or landed refugees aged 17 – 25 who are looking for 22 weeks of creative learning, community engagement, Truth and Reconciliation, and self-discovery! Youth will live in a group with up to 10 of their peers in two separate communities throughout the course of the program. During the program they engage in 32 valuable volunteer hours a week, learn how to manage a house, make lifelong friends, and gain confidence that they themselves can make an impactful difference in our country. This is a fully funded opportunity where participants’ travel expenses, living accommodations, food costs, and daily needs are covered. All they will need to bring is their dedication, empathy, and commitment to making a better world!

Some of the topics and skills that Participants will be challenged to learn about include:

  • The history of Indigenous peoples in Canada and the importance of Truth and Reconciliation;
  • The benefits and impact of civic engagement;
  • Professional work skills in a variety of sectors, depending on volunteer placements;
  • Cooking skills, house maintenance, and practical life skills;
  • Conflict resolution, communication, and how to strive within a team environment;
  • Environmental protection and sustainable development;
  • English or French as an additional language;
  • Leadership, advocacy, and project management skills;
  • Canada’s cultural, geographic, and linguistic diversity.
Community Connection

You can help reduce social isolation in the community by helping to maintain a calendar of activities for older adults. All you need is a phone, a computer with internet access and a little time. 

What you will be doing:

  • Monitoring websites and social media accounts of community centres, senior centres and libraries for public activities appropriate for older adults. 
  • Ocassionally calling organizations that offer social activities for older adults to get accurate information about their offerings.
  • Entering these events on a Google calendar that is posted on our website for public viewing.

Click here to see an example of a similar calendar that we maintain for South Georgian Bay. 

Snow Angel Volunteer   Bruce County  Grey County  Muskoka District  Northumberland County  Parry Sound District  Peterborough County  Simcoe County 
Snow Angels Canada, Online service


Shovel snow for neighbours. For this opportunity, please register on line here through website: Snow Angels

Volunteer Peer Support Facilitator   Bruce County  Grey County  Muskoka District  Northumberland County  Parry Sound District  Peterborough County  Simcoe County 
Pregnancy and Infant Loss (PAIL) Network
Ontario- Virtual

Pregnancy and Infant Loss (PAIL) Network provides bereavement support at no cost to families who have experienced the loss of a pregnancy at any stage, or the death of their baby, up to 12 months of age. We currently have volunteer opportunities for people who are approximately two years past their bereavement date and are looking for meaningful ways to offer their support to others. We are actively training peer supporters for private online bereavement support groups and one-to-one phone support.

Peer Support Chapter Leader   Bruce County  Grey County  Muskoka District  Northumberland County  Parry Sound District  Peterborough County  Simcoe County 
Parents for Children's Mental Health, Nipissing- Parry Sound
To be determined

Peer Support Duties:

  • Provide direct peer support to families 
  • Communicate issues or challenges with Family Partnership Program Manager as they arise
  • Communicate periodically with families through the peer support offered and/or through a distribution list (eg. email, newsletter, or mail) as necessary 

Administrative Duties:

  • Communicate with PCMH through email, phone, virtual and in-person meetings 
  • Ensure chapter email and telephone line are checked at a minimum every 4 days
  • Attend monthly Town Halls and support resource creation by sharing your experiences and knowledge 
  • Participate in training opportunities 
  • Complete monthly data surveys, and respond to requests for information to inform PCMH programming and support initiatives better
Kids Help Phone, Crisis Text Line

Kids Help Phone’s texting service is the only free, 24/7 bilingual text line for people in Canada. The service is delivered by trained, volunteer crisis responders who work remotely. 

We are recruiting overnight and or bilingual crisis responders who will answer texts from young people looking for support in both English AND French.

The volunteer position will be remote, meaning that you can participate from anywhere in Canada as long you have a strong, reliable internet connection!  

Our volunteers need to be enthusiastic about helping people!

You can be a professional, student, teacher, retiree, or anybody else with a willingness to learn how to support people over text.  

The role of a crisis responder is to bring texters from a “hot” moment to a cool calm one, and to help them come up with a plan to stay healthy and safe.

Crisis responders are trained to do this using active listening and collaborative problem-solving.

Kawartha World Issues Centre
  • Assist with the establishment of long and short term goals, objectives and priorities for KWIC in meeting its charitable mandate
  • Recommend/Implement policies developed by the Board
  • Review as necessary the Board's structure, approve changes and prepare necessary bylaw amendments
  • Participate in KWIC's development and strategic plan of operation as part of an annual review
  • Approve the annual budget
  • Approve the hiring of the Executive Director
  • Approve the Executive Director’s contract based on the recommendations of the Personnel/Executive Committee
  • Participate in the evaluation of KWIC activities and performance of the Executive Director
  • Assist in developing and maintaining positive relations among staff, volunteers, Board committees, education institutions and the community to fulfill the mission of KWIC
  • Report and be answerable to the members
  • Participate in one standing committee & its activities ( currently: HR/Finance, Programs,Fundraising, Communications, Nominations)
  • Lead and/or support KWIC fundraising initiatives, including board fundraising strategy
  • Actively champion KWIC in the communityActively champion KWIC in the community Commitment to the work of the organization
  • Knowledge and skills in one or more area of Board governance: fundraising, financial planning, policy, programs and personnel
  • Willingness to serve on at least one committee
  • Willingness to participate in board fundraising strategy - “Give or Get”
  • Attend all Board meetings and the Annual General meeting (meeting times are collectively established)
  • A time commitment of approximately 6 to 8 hours per month (includes Board preparation, committee and meeting time and financial preparation time)
  • Actively monitor and respond to KWIC email communication
  • Be informed of the services and programs provided by the Kawartha World Issues Centre and publicly support and articulate them
  • Prepare for and participate in the discussions and the deliberations of the Board
  • Foster a positive working relationship with other Board members, KWIC staff and volunteers
  • Be aware of and declare any conflict of interest (see Conflict of Interest Policy)
YourTV Peterborough Lindsay

The primary function of the YourTV volunteer is to be an active member of our television production crew on many levels, whether it be at OHL games, studio shows or a live event, like the Santa Claus Parade.

    Duties may include:
  • Pre-production planning, such as setting up a potential interview subject
  • Technical equipment during productions, such as working camera, audio or the switcher
  • Administrative capacity, answering
  • Telephones and handling YourTV billboard announcements
  • Taking photos for the Billboard or helping with our YourTV website
  • Summary​ ​of​ ​Essential​ ​Job​ ​Functions of a YourTV volunteer include:
  • Working camera
  • Conducting interviews
  • Working the audio board
  • Working in our Control Room or Mobile Production Unit(s)
Defeat Depression

The Defeat Depression campaign is a national fundraising campaign designed to allow individuals and organizations to raise funds in support of their local mental health programs and services. The campaign has grown into a national movement bringing much-needed funds, awareness of mental health issues while fighting mental health stigma one event at a time. 
The 2022 Defeat Depression Walks will take place the last weekend of May 2022. 
Planning and organizing the Walk/Runs takes time, passion and creative thinking. With support from volunteers and Mood Disorders Society of Canada’s staff, you will be a part of something truly extraordinary in your community. 
Available positions: 

  • Event Chair/Co-Chairs  
  • Volunteer Coordinator  
  • Local Sponsorship Coordinator  
  • Communications/Marketing Coordinator  
  • Social Media Coordinator  
  • Logistics Coordinator
Kawartha Komets Special Needs Hockey Program
Peterborough and surrounding five counties

Mature Adult Volunteers will assist players on the ice, supporting our Qualified, Certified coaching staff.

Peer Mentor (Virtual)   Bruce County  Grey County  Muskoka District  Northumberland County  Parry Sound District  Peterborough County  Simcoe County 
Ontario Caregiver Organization, Online Services/Find Support
Mentoring is a method of passing on lived experiences to support another caregiver in an empowering and meaningful way. Anyone who has been a caregiver will know that the caregiving role presents many challenges. These challenges will be different for every caregiver and from time to time support will be needed. A Peer Mentor has a wealth of experience and knowledge which can help another caregiver with the challenges of their caregiving situation. Caregivers share a common identity and can create a bond through sharing their experiences. You can easily connect by phone or by online/virtual discussion with your Caregiver Participant without leaving your home. An OCO trained peer mentor will:
  • ‘Just be there’/Listen
  • Provide encouragement, support and acceptance
  • Acknowledge a caregiver’s strengths
  • Share lived experience and give real life examples
  • Discuss a caregiver’s wellbeing
  • Provide support with developing coping strategies
  • Provide relevant information
  • Provide support to set goals the caregiver identifies
  • Celebrate any goals the caregiver achieves
  • Be someone for a caregiver to bounce ideas of
  • The Ontario Caregiver Organization invites caregivers with diverse backgrounds from across Ontario to join our 1:1 Peer Support Program as a Peer Mentor. We are actively recruiting bilingual or multilingual caregivers who are fluent in English and also other languages.
    March of Dimes Canada (MODC), Peterborough, Aphasia and Communication Disabilities (ACD) Program, Peterborough
    Northminster United Church, 300 Sunset Boulevard Peterborough, ON K9H 5L3
    Compassionate adults needed for group consultations  
    * Do you have a few hours a week to have meaningful conversations in a fun, lively atmosphere?  
    * Volunteers provide support to adults with communication difficulties by participating in group conversation sessions about current events, music, food, art and much more.
    Peterborough Regional Health Centre, Volunteer Services

    We're looking for an exceptional volunteer to join our team! Are you passionate about healthcare? Do you have a philanthropic heart, strong administrative, communication and customer service skills, and 4 hours a week to donate to a great cause? If you answered yes, then we want to hear from you!.

    Volunteer Camp Counselor   Bruce County  Grey County  Muskoka District  Northumberland County  Parry Sound District  Peterborough County  Simcoe County 
    Camp Trillium Childhood Cancer Support Centre
    St. Vincent Park, Barrie

    Volunteer as a camp counselor at one of our two sleepover sites in Waterford (Rainbow Lake) or Rosseau (Muskoka) or day camp in Toronto or Ottawa. 

    Elizabeth Fry Society of Peterborough, Reid St - Peterborough, Community Intervention Services
    Delta Bingo Peterborough (formerly Kawartha Club Bingo), 1019 Clonsilla Ave, Peterborough
    • Assist bingo players
    • Clear tables
    Autism Ontario Volunteer   Bruce County  Grey County  Muskoka District  Northumberland County  Parry Sound District  Peterborough County  Simcoe County 
    Autism Ontario [Central East]

    Autism Ontario offers a variety of volunteer opportunities across seven regions in Ontario. Our volunteers play a crucial part in supporting individuals on the autism spectrum and their families. By joining our team, you’ll help foster inclusive communities and contribute to important programs and events.

    Volunteers can participate in roles like Program/Events Support, Bingo Volunteer Support, or Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) representation. Our programs are flexible, and we ask volunteers to commit to at least one event per quarter. Whether you’re helping at in-person events, participating in our committee groups or advocating for special education, your contribution is essential to our success.

    Key responsibilities may include assisting with event setup and cleanup, supporting program participants, advocating for special education needs, and ensuring a positive experience for everyone involved. We ask volunteers to commit to at least one event per quarter, offering flexibility that fits your schedule.

    How to Apply: To apply for a volunteer position, visit our volunteer page or contact us at

    Butt Blitz Team Coordinator   Bruce County  Grey County  Muskoka District  Northumberland County  Parry Sound District  Peterborough County  Simcoe County 
    A Greener Future

    In 2015, we ran our first ever Butt Blitz — an action-oriented campaign focused on raising public awareness about cigarette litter, while simultaneously removing as much of it from the environment as possible.

    Cigarette butts account for 1 in 5 pieces of litter that we find at our cleanups. These small cigarette butts are one of the most common forms of litter and when not disposed of properly, they cause negative impacts on local ecosystems and health.

    Each spring, volunteers from across Canada pick up cigarette butts in their local communities, then send them to TerraCycle Canada for recycling. The social impact of this event is just as important as the environmental impact, as it helps prevent cigarette butt litter from ending up on the ground in the future!

    We are looking for Butt Blitz Coordinators in communities across Canada to join us in expanding our impact by engaging volunteers locally throughout April!

    As a Butt Blitz Coordinator, you are dedicating your time throughout April to help reduce the amount of cigarette litter in your local community and create a safer, healthier environment. You will help to spread awareness and connect others within your community to get involved in this initiative to reduce cigarette waste. 

    All you need to participate is a pair of gloves, an up-cycled container (e.g., an old yogurt tub) to collect your butts in, and an interest in improving your local environment!

    Coordinator Responsibilities:

    • Review and understand the Butt Blitz Coordinator Information package

    • Participate in cigarette litter cleanups to contribute to the overall goal of removing 1 million cigarette butts

    • Choose a central and easily accessible location for local volunteers to drop off their collected butts (e.g., your front porch)

    • Engage and support a team of local volunteers throughout April (e.g., answering questions, keeping in contact, hosting small group cleanups)

    •  Mail in the cigarette butt collection to TerraCycle for recycling (shipping label provided by A Greener Future)

    • Attend virtual team meetings via Google Meets (3 in total, max 30 minutes in length)

    • Complete weekly check-ins with A Greener Future staff (via email or virtual call)

    • Speak with the local media about the Butt Blitz should the possibility arrive

    • Sign a virtual Liability Waiver

    Please note: The Butt Blitz is a 19+ event (18+ in Alberta and Quebec) because we are working with hazardous waste.

    To apply for this opportunity, please complete the application below by Sunday, Feb. 25, 2024:

    Selected candidates will be contacted for an interview to ensure that the role is a good fit and we’ll answer any questions you may have about the position.

    Butt Blitz Volunteer   Bruce County  Grey County  Muskoka District  Northumberland County  Parry Sound District  Peterborough County  Simcoe County 
    A Greener Future

    In 2015, we ran our first ever Butt Blitz — an action-oriented campaign focused on raising public awareness about cigarette litter, while simultaneously removing as much of it from the environment as possible.   

    Cigarette butts account for 1 in 5 pieces of litter found at our cleanups. These small plastic filters are one of the most common forms of litter globally and when not disposed of properly, they cause negative impacts on local ecosystems, wildlife, and human health.  

    We’re calling on volunteers from across Canada to pick up cigarette butts in their local communities, then send them to TerraCycle Canada for recycling. The social impact of this event is just as important as the environmental impact, as it helps prevent cigarette butt litter from ending up on the ground in the future!   

    We are looking for Butt Blitz Volunteers in communities across Canada to join us in picking up butts locally throughout the month of April. Join a local team, or take part wherever you are!  

    The Butt Blitz will run from April 1st to 30th, 2023. Our goal is to collect and remove 1 million cigarette butts over the course of a month!   

    As a Butt Blitz Volunteer, you are dedicating your time throughout April to help reduce the amount of cigarette litter in your local community and create a safer, healthier environment.   

    All you need to participate is a pair of gloves, an up-cycled container (e.g., old yogurt tub) to collect your butts in, and an interest to improve your local environment!   

    Volunteer Responsibilities: - Review and understand the Butt Blitz Volunteer Information Package - Sign a virtual Liability Waiver - Participate in cigarette litter cleanups to contribute to the overall goal of removing 1 million cigarette butts - Drop off your cigarette butt collection to a local team coordinator (or mail in your own collection if participating independently) - Attend virtual team meetings via Zoom (optional; 3 in total, max 30 minutes in length) - Attend a team Butt Blitz cleanup locally (optional)   If this opportunity interests you, please fill out the form below!   

    All participants must be 19+ (18+ in Alberta or Quebec)  

    Apply Here.

    Cancer Support - Virtual Childcare Volunteer    Bruce County  Grey County  Muskoka District  Northumberland County  Parry Sound District  Peterborough County  Simcoe County 

    Make a Difference in a Child's life, Become a Virtual Volunteer Angel!


    Do you want to support families impacted by cancer? Can you commit two (2) hours per week to providing psychosocial support to a child in need? Join Nankind and help lessen the impact of cancer on families by offering virtual childcare support. 


    How You Can Help:  

    • Provide psychosocial support to help children develop coping skills and build resilience. 

    • Provide fun, educational, creative, and safe virtual experiences for children. 

    • Commit to a minimum of six (6) months to ensure stability for families during a parent’s treatment and recovery. 

    • Offer two (2) hours of childcare support per week to the same family. 


    Why Volunteer with Nankind? 


    Nankind offers a meaningful and rewarding opportunity for volunteers who want to make a real difference in the lives of families affected by cancer. As a Virtual Volunteer Angel, you will support children in overcoming learning obstacles, building problem-solving skills, and engaging in creative activities that provide a healthy emotional outlet.  


    Your presence will have a lasting impact on children whose parents are undergoing treatment, receiving palliative care, or families coping with bereavement. By providing a safe and caring virtual space, you’ll ease stress for families and give parents the reassurance they need to rest.  


    Through weekly virtual visits, you will foster a special connection, allowing children to form a new friendship with you while exploring ways to process, understand, and express their feelings about their parent’s cancer. Volunteers receive specialized training and ongoing guidance from Nankind’s Child Life Specialist, ensuring they feel supported and confident in their role. 


    How to Apply: 

    1. Visit our volunteer page

    1. Click “Apply Now”. 

    1. Complete and submit the application. 



    • Willingness to undergo an Enhanced Police Information Check

    • At least 100 hours of professional childcare experience (babysitting, teaching, tutoring, etc.). Experience caring for a sibling or relative does not qualify unless you are a parent or grandparent. 

    • Must reside in Canada


    There's a family in your community waiting for their very own Angel!